SeqAn3  3.0.3
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.

The stream sub-module contains data structures and functions for streaming and tokenization. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Stream:


interface  char_predicate
 An internal concept to check if an object fulfills the requirements of a seqan3::detail::char_predicate. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::char_predicate_base< derived_t >
 An abstract CRTP base class for parse conditions to add logical disjunction and negation operator. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::char_predicate_disjunction< condition_ts >
 Logical disjunction operator for parse conditions. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::char_predicate_negator< condition_t >
 Logical not operator for a parse condition. More...
class  seqan3::detail::constexpr_pseudo_bitset< N >
 A data structure that implements a subset of std::bitset as constexpr. More...
class  seqan3::detail::fast_istreambuf_iterator< char_t, traits_t >
 Functionally the same as std::istreambuf_iterator, but faster. More...
class  seqan3::detail::fast_ostreambuf_iterator< char_t, traits_t >
 Functionally the same as std::ostreambuf_iterator, but offers writing a range more efficiently. More...
interface  input_stream_over
 Concept for input streams. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::is_char_type< char_v >
 Parse condition that checks if a given value is equal to char_v. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::is_in_alphabet_type< alphabet_t >
 Parse condition that checks if a given value is within the given alphabet alphabet_t. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::is_in_interval_type< interval_first, interval_last >
 Parse condition that checks if a given value is in the range of rng_beg and interval_last. More...
interface  output_stream_over
 Concept for output streams. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::stream_buffer_exposer< char_t, traits_t >
 Functionally the same as std::basic_streambuf<char_t, traits_t_>, but exposes protected members as public. More...


enum  seqan3::fmtflags2 { seqan3::none = 0 , seqan3::utf8 = 1 , seqan3::small_int_as_number = 1 << 1 , default_ = small_int_as_number }
 Flags that change the behaviour of the seqan3::debug_stream. More...


template<char op, typename condition_head_t , typename ... condition_ts>
const std::string condition_message_v
 Defines a compound std::string consisting of all given conditions separated by the operator-name op. More...
debug_stream_type seqan3::debug_stream {std::cerr}
 A global instance of seqan3::debug_stream_type.

Detailed Description

The stream sub-module contains data structures and functions for streaming and tokenization.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ fmtflags2

Flags that change the behaviour of the seqan3::debug_stream.

See also
seqan3::enum_bitwise_operators enables combining enum values.

No flag is set.


Enables use of non-ASCII UTF8 characters in formatted output.


int8_t and uint8_t are often aliases for signed char and unsigned char resp. resulting in chars being printed; this options prints them as numbers.

Variable Documentation

◆ condition_message_v

template<char op, typename condition_head_t , typename ... condition_ts>
const std::string condition_message_v
Initial value:
std::string{"("} +
(condition_head_t::msg + ... +
(std::string{" "} + std::string{{op, op}} + std::string{" "} + condition_ts::msg)) +

Defines a compound std::string consisting of all given conditions separated by the operator-name op.

Template Parameters
opnon-type template parameter specifying the separator character, e.g. '|'.
condition_head_tThe first condition type in the message. Ensures that there is at least one type.
condition_tsRemaining list of conditions separated by op.